for those who following my fb and insta...mesti tau kan yang i was going to BSB live in KL on 3rd may lepas....memang best giler....2 jam rasa mcm 20minit jer.....cepat giler masa berlalu....tak menyesal pun beli tiket mahal1..yesss,walau seposen pun i tak nyesal pergi...well,kita tak tau bila lagi diorang ni nak datang KL...walau diorg still akan coming with new project...ok,itu Brian yang kata!
well,Nick Carter super duper sportinggggg....siapa yg duk area screamer tu...memang bertuah betul!!isshhh.. sangat menggamit memori...tak banyak lagu baru pun diorang nyanyi..lagu baru dalam 3 -4 lagu and others are their old hits song...i guess all 90s girl mesti tau lagu BSB...and they song around 20 song...argghhh, countless la tak terkira bape lagu diorg nyanyi...sebab diorg pun ade perform acapella....
ape pun..absolutely worth every RM spend.....and of course,my bestest birthday yesterday 0405 is my 29 birthday...(happy birthday to myself) as this year i was celebrating my birthday alone..yess ALONE! itu je yang sedih.... as my babies kecik2 lagi,diorg tak faham pun yang mama dia sedih tak de pape celebration,wishes or present for their mama....other then that,i just can say Alhamdullilah sebab masih boleh menulis lagi hari ni....
ok,check this out few pic from the concert!
my old time lover...brian,kevin.howie d,nick,aj! |
alone! |
nampak tak lisa n yusry kat belakang tuuuuuu....huhuhu |
before start |
opening |
closing |
and here some video toooo...abaikan suara latar terjerit2 sing a long tuuuuuuuuuuuu.......
dulu pun minat gak...